37 research outputs found

    Analysis of Product Sampling for New Product Diffusion Incorporating Multiple-Unit Ownership

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    Multiple-unit ownership of nondurable products is an important component of sales in many product categories. Based on the Bass model, this paper develops a new model considering the multiple-unit adoptions as a diffusion process under the influence of product sampling. Though the analysis aims to determine the optimal dynamic sampling effort for a firm and the results demonstrate that experience sampling can accelerate the diffusion process, the best time to send free samples is just before the product being launched. Multiple-unit purchasing behavior can increase sales to make more profit for a firm, and it needs more samples to make the product known much better. The local sensitivity analysis shows that the increase of both external coefficients and internal coefficients has a negative influence on the sampling level, but the internal influence on the subsequent multiple-unit adoptions has little significant influence on the sampling. Using the logistic regression along with linear regression, the global sensitivity analysis gives a whole analysis of the interaction of all factors, which manifests the external influence and multiunit purchase rate are two most important factors to influence the sampling level and net present value of the new product, and presents a two-stage method to determine the sampling level

    A Two-Stage Method to Determine Optimal Product Sampling considering Dynamic Potential Market

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    This paper develops an optimization model for the diffusion effects of free samples under dynamic changes in potential market based on the characteristics of independent product and presents a two-stage method to figure out the sampling level. The impact analysis of the key factors on the sampling level shows that the increase of the external coefficient or internal coefficient has a negative influence on the sampling level. And the changing rate of the potential market has no significant influence on the sampling level whereas the repeat purchase has a positive one. Using logistic analysis and regression analysis, the global sensitivity analysis gives a whole analysis of the interaction of all parameters, which provides a two-stage method to estimate the impact of the relevant parameters in the case of inaccuracy of the parameters and to be able to construct a 95% confidence interval for the predicted sampling level. Finally, the paper provides the operational steps to improve the accuracy of the parameter estimation and an innovational way to estimate the sampling level

    Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms for Regional Logistics Demand Prediction

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    Regional logistics prediction is the key step in regional logistics planning and logistics resources rationalization. Since regional economy is the inherent and determinative factor of regional logistics demand, it is feasible to forecast regional logistics demand by investigating economic indicators which can accelerate the harmonious development of regional logistics industry and regional economy. In this paper, the PSO-RBFNN model, a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, is studied. The PSO-RBFNN model is trained by indicators data in a region to predict the regional logistics demand. And the corresponding results indicate the model’s applicability and potential advantages

    Reciprocal polarization imaging of complex media

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    The vectorial evolution of polarized light interaction with a medium can reveal its microstructure and anisotropy beyond what can be obtained from scalar light interaction. Anisotropic properties (diattenuation, retardance, and depolarization) of a complex medium can be quantified by polarization imaging by measuring the Mueller matrix. However, polarization imaging in the reflection geometry, ubiquitous and often preferred in diverse applications, has suffered a poor recovery of the medium's anisotropic properties due to the lack of suitable decomposition of the Mueller matrices measured inside a backward geometry. Here, we present reciprocal polarization imaging of complex media after introducing reciprocal polar decomposition for backscattering Mueller matrices. Based on the reciprocity of the optical wave in its forward and backward scattering paths, the anisotropic diattenuation, retardance, and depolarization of a complex medium are determined by measuring the backscattering Mueller matrix. We demonstrate reciprocal polarization imaging in various applications for quantifying complex non-chiral and chiral media (birefringence resolution target, tissue sections, and glucose suspension), uncovering their anisotropic microstructures with remarkable clarity and accuracy. We also highlight types of complex media that Lu-Chipman and differential decompositions of backscattering Mueller matrices lead to erroneous medium polarization properties, whereas reciprocal polar decomposition recovers properly. Reciprocal polarization imaging will be instrumental in imaging complex media from remote sensing to biomedicine and will open new applications of polarization optics in reflection geometry

    An Immune Evolutionary Algorithm with Punishment Mechanism for Public Procurement Expert Selection

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    In the past decade, fairness in public procurement expert selection has attracted research attention. This paper proposes an immune evolutionary algorithm (IEA) with a punishment mechanism for expert selection, in which an ordered weighted aggregation (OWA) operator is applied to adjust the score weights to reduce expert evaluation committee abuse discretion and Grubbs method is employed to test the outliers. The results from a real-life public procurement case demonstrated that the abnormal experts could be effectively suppressed during the selection process and that the proposed method performed better than either the random selection algorithm or IEA, neither of which considers a punishment mechanism. Therefore, the proposed method, which applied the abnormal data detected in the scoring process to the expert selection process with a punishment mechanism, was proven to be effective in solving public procurement problems that may have doubtful or abnormal experts

    An Algorithm and Implementation Based on an Agricultural EOQ Model

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    With the improvement of living quality, the agricultural supermarket gradually take the place of the farmers market as the trend. But the agricultural supermarkets’ inappropriate inventory strategies are wasteful and inefficient. So this paper will put forward an inventory strategy for the agricultural supermarkets to lead the conductor decides when and how much to shelve the product. This strategy has significant meaning that it can reduce the loss and get more profit. The research methods are based on the inventory theory and the EOQ model, but the authors add multiple cycles’ theory to them because of the agricultural products’ decreasing characteristics. The research procedures are shown as follows. First, the authors do research in the agricultural supermarket to find their real conduction, and then put forward the new strategy in this paper. Second, the authors found out the model. At last, the authors search the specialty agriculture document to find the data such as the loss rate and the fresh parameters, and solve it out by MATLAB. The numerical result proves that the strategy is better than the real conduction in agricultural supermarket, and it also proves the feasibility

    An Algorithm and Implementation Based on an Agricultural EOQ Model

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    With the improvement of living quality, the agricultural supermarket gradually take the place of the farmers market as the trend. But the agricultural supermarkets’ inappropriate inventory strategies are wasteful and inefficient. So this paper will put forward an inventory strategy for the agricultural supermarkets to lead the conductor decides when and how much to shelve the product. This strategy has significant meaning that it can reduce the loss and get more profit. The research methods are based on the inventory theory and the EOQ model, but the authors add multiple cycles’ theory to them because of the agricultural products’ decreasing characteristics. The research procedures are shown as follows. First, the authors do research in the agricultural supermarket to find their real conduction, and then put forward the new strategy in this paper. Second, the authors found out the model. At last, the authors search the specialty agriculture document to find the data such as the loss rate and the fresh parameters, and solve it out by MATLAB. The numerical result proves that the strategy is better than the real conduction in agricultural supermarket, and it also proves the feasibility

    Poverty Reduction Effect of New-Type Agricultural Cooperatives: An Empirical Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching and Endogenous Switching Regression Models

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    Agricultural cooperatives have been found to effectively alleviate poverty in developing countries because of their specific socioeconomic functions that allow poor households to overcome marketing and production constraints. However, cooperative evaluations are inevitably influenced by other poverty alleviation measures and rarely consider the characteristics of specific ethnic groups. Using cross-sectional surveys in Southwest China and employing propensity score matching (PSM) and endogenous switching regression (ESR) models, this paper analyzed the participation of poor households in New-type Agricultural Cooperatives (NACs) in ethnic areas and assessed the income impacts of NAC membership by eliminating unobserved biases and group heterogeneity. This study detected heterogeneous policy perceptions and behavioral differences between the member and nonmember groups, and the PSM and ESR model results indicated that, overall, participation in the NACs had a positive effect on household income. The ESR model was found to be more plausible as it was able to reveal the significant income gaps under a counterfactual inference framework. Local policymakers need to focus on the policy perception and behavioral and earning capability differences between groups and increase the balanced policy implementation

    Semiconductor Metal Oxides as Chemoresistive Sensors for Detecting Volatile Organic Compounds

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which originate from painting, oil refining and vehicle exhaust emissions, are hazardous gases that have significant effects on air quality and human health. The detection of VOCs is of special importance to environmental safety. Among the various detection methods, chemoresistive semiconductor metal oxide gas sensors are considered to be the most promising technique due to their easy production, low cost and good portability. Sensitivity is an important parameter of gas sensors and is greatly affected by the microstructure, defects, catalyst, heterojunction and humidity. By adjusting the aforementioned factors, the sensitivity of gas sensors can be improved further. In this review, attention will be focused on how to improve the sensitivity of chemoresistive gas sensors towards certain common VOCs with respect to the five factors mentioned above

    Decomposition-Based Dynamic Adaptive Combination Forecasting for Monthly Electricity Demand

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    (1) Background: Electricity consumption data are often made up of complex, unstable series that have different fluctuation characteristics in different industries. However, electricity demand forecasting is a prerequisite for the control and scheduling of power systems. (2) Methods: As most previous research has focused on prediction accuracy rather than stability, this paper developed a decomposition-based combination forecasting model using dynamic adaptive entropy-based weighting for total electricity demand forecasting at the engineering level. (3) Results: To further illustrate the prediction accuracy and stationarity of the proposed method, a comparison analysis using an analysis of variance and an orthogonal approach to solve the least squares equations was conducted using classical individual models, a combination forecasting model, and a decomposition-based combination forecasting model. The proposed method had a very satisfactory overall performance with good verification and validation compared to autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and artificial neural-networks (ANN). (4) Conclusion: As the proposed method dynamically combines various forecast models and can decompose and adapt to various characteristic data sets, it was found to have an accurate, stable forecast performance. Therefore, it could be broadly applied to forecasting electricity demand and developing electricity generation plans and related energy policies